Reka Veszeli, marketing tips, marketing, branding, social media


I’m Reka, a marketing professional, first-time blogger, self-proclaimed DIYer, huge fan of stand-up comedy and Star Wars, and someone who believes that creativity and being organised can go hand in hand.

I’m a data-driven marketing manager with 10+ years of experience across diverse roles. I have successfully developed and managed campaigns for companies of various profiles, leading to increased brand awareness, a robust marketing-sourced pipeline, and strong stakeholder relationships. I possess in-depth expertise in cross-functional marketing project management, financial planning, event management, and vendor management.

Reka Veszeli, marketing tips, marketing, branding, social media, free guides, marketing downloadables, blog, podcast

2009 – 2013

The beginning of my journey: PR, university and the smell of french fries

My first love was PR​

I still remember the moment when we met first: I was about 16 sitting at the huge round table at my parent’s house when my dad arrived from a workshop he’d attended. He started to talk about a presentation – performed by a PR professional.

I was just sitting there listening, the sound in my head shouting: Yes! That’s what I want to do!

Since Hungary offered no PR majors at the time, I opted for Social Studies, followed by a second BSc in Communications a year later. To support myself I started working at McDonald’s.

Let me tell you, balancing two universities while serving fries at McDonald’s was a crash course in time management. There’s not much that can compare to that kind of pressure.

Internship at MorphoCom

After 1.5 years, I was just so fed up with the constant smell of cooking oil and waking up at 3am to for a job that had nothing to do with my passion, that I quit. It was time to find a job that fitted me.

At first I worked as a communications intern for a Hungarian MMORPG, before I landed my dream PR internship at MorphoCom in 2011. Being part of such a creative team was amazing, and I had the chance to work with clients like Dell, Apple, Huawei, and The Body Shop. That experience laid the groundwork for my career.

I got my two Bachelor's degrees in 2013

…and it was time to take the next step. My blind love for PR slowly started to fade and turned into a friendship, instead of a lifelong commitment.

Life as an account manager

Feeling restless, I decided to take a leap and apply for a completely different role – something that excited me and challenged my skills. That’s how I became an Account Manager at Lampyon, a web design and development company. For two and a half years, I learned a ton about websites, design, and branding – way more than I ever thought possible. I formed life-long friendships there, and learnt what it really means to be obsessed with your customers’ needs.

Understanding a customer’s needs and transforming them into the result they were looking for requires patience, the right set of communication skills and a proactive mindset – all spiced up with a bit of personal magic

Knowing that our most profitable and honoured customer – Bayer AG, a German multinational pharmaceutical company – has been satisfied with me and invited me to their office twice, give me the confidence to say: I’m jolly good with customers.

Oh, have I mentioned that my primary role was to support Bayer’s marketing team? Yep!

Marketing, here I come

This is how I fell in love for the second time, and decided to go back to university in 2014. I completed my Master’s in Marketing in 2016 and a few months later I started working for OKI.

2013 – 2016

Finding my passion and getting my MSc in Marketing

2016 – 2019

Looking after a whole country’s marketing activities and starting my blog

Reka Veszeli, marketing tips, marketing, branding, social media, free guides, marketing downloadables, blog, podcast

Marketing and PR Consultant for OKI

For almost 3 years I was responsible for co-ordinating all marketing- and PR-related activities in the Hungarian market for OKI. This included budget planning, channel marketing, managing social media platforms and promotions, organizing partner events, creating newsletters and many other tasks that I loved.

The birth of

I’ve always been up for a new challenge, and what can be more exciting than blogging about topics I’m passionate about, learning to create and operate a website and smiling tiredlessly at the fun little banners I’m making.

Since my first internship, I’ve been the go-to marketing person for all my friends when it comes to marketing, professional communication and career advice. I’ve always loved supporting others, but I only decided to finally start a blog after I helped my father build his company’s online presence.

Moving to Ireland

Moving to Ireland was a long-time dream of mine. I’m lucky enough to have a partner who shared this dream with me, so after almost 2 years of preparations and planning, in 2019 we finally packed our stuff and arrived to Cork.

That job by NGINX in February 2019

Moving to a new country is scary. I can’t tell you how happy I was when I got the job offer from NGINX. I joined their Field Marketing team and opened up a new chapter in my career. I helped with dozens of events, travelled around Europe, visited the USA twice and learnt a lot about lead generation from my amazing co-workers.

Hello digital

In 2020 – following the acquisition by F5 – I’ve got promoted to a Digital Marketing Specialist. For almost 4 years

BiteSize Marketing

The pandemic was though on all of us, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who picked up weird hobbies along the way. Staying at home all day every day was far from nice, but it gave me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and try something completely new, and I launched BiteSize Marketing.  A video and blog series designed to talk about marketing in easy-to-digest episodes.

2019 – 2024

Moving to Ireland and immersing myself in IT security

Reka Veszeli, marketing tips, marketing, branding, social media, free guides, marketing downloadable


Career break, AgilePM® and Supply Chain Management Certification, new challenges

productivity, productive, effectiveness, remote working, working from home, wfh

Catching my breath

After 10+ years of working without a pause I decided to go on a well-deserved career break to recharge and recalibrate my long-term goals. 

Taking a step back gave me the opportunity to:

  • Rekindle my passions through hobbies I’ve put aside. I’ve been currently working on a visual novel,  an escape room, and a purple jumpsuit.
  • Invest in myself with professional courses to sharpen my skillset
  • Broaden my horizons by learning a new language
  • Investigate volunteering initiatives

BiteSize Marketing is back

Taking a career break – among other things – allowed me to refocus on my blog. I had a OneNote full of topics and ideas, and I decided to delve deeper, than the high-level themes I covered before. For the second season – Paid Media 101 – I’ve leveraged my experience in digital marketing and sales enablement.

Moving to Ireland

Moving to Ireland was a long-time dream of mine. I’m lucky enough to have a partner who shared this dream with me, so after almost 2 years of preparations and planning, in 2019 we finally packed our stuff and arrived to Cork.

2025 –

Hello Baker Tilly!

Reka Veszeli, marketing tips, marketing, branding, social media, free guides, marketing downloadable

On a personal note

  • I have a sheepdog who’s allergic to grass and hates rain. And we moved him to Ireland…
  • My ideal vacation is motorhoming in Germany with my family. If it’s just a long weekend, I’m happy to compromise with camping
  • I love video games, but I’m terrible at most of them. I’m usually the first to die in FPS games, and I gave up on Assassin’s Creed because I constantly got lost. I adore RPGs, with Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic being my all-time favorite.
  • I also love board games—from hours-long strategy games and cooperative games to escape rooms. I can geek out for hours over Unlock!, Pandemic, or Outer Rim.
  • When I find a book I love, I disappear for days until I’ve finished it.
  • As the oldest child and a real Daddy’s girl, one of my favorite gifts was an electric screwdriver/drill. I even have a favorite type of screw—PZ2, 4×30—and it’s best not to leave me unsupervised in a DIY store.
  • If I like you, I’ll show it with food. I enjoy cooking, and like a proper Eastern European, I’ll feed you until you can’t move—then pack you the leftovers for tomorrow.