Inbound and Outbound (or traditional) are two main strategies in marketing. They define your relationship with your customers and the marketing tools you’re using. I’ll help you understand the difference between Inbound and Outbound Marketing and why most modern companies focus on inbound strategies.
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Outbound or traditional marketing is a tactic when companies push their messages through various channels for a large number of people to make them buy their product or service.
It works kind of like a speaker: it’s a non-interactive, one-way communication, that interrupts the content you are consuming. It pushes the same messaging to everyone and the sole purpose of this message is to sell.
It usually appears in a form of TV ads, billboards, online pop-up ads, telemarketing, trade shows, magazine or newspaper ads.
On the other hand, inbound marketing is a technique for drawing customers to your offers via content marketing, social media efforts, search engine optimisation and branding.
It is similar to a magnet. Ideally, it pulls potential customers in and it requires interaction between the two parties. The concept behind it is that by providing educational content, your business become known and trusted and potential customers will come to you in their own will, interested in you.
Most commonly you see it in a form of a blog, educational video content – either on your website or on YouTube – a webinar or helpful downloadables. Opt-in emails also considered as inbound strategy as subscription is voluntary. Your social media efforts, search engine optimisation and pay per click ads are part of this category too.
As I mentioned in the intro most brands nowadays focus on inbound strategies. (It is probably not a surprising statement if you follow my blog , video or podcast series.)There are several reasons for that, but I highlighted the main three.
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